10 Reasons Why Chihuahuas are Awesome

Chihuahuas are small, affordable, fun, loyal and easy to care for pets. Check out these 10 reasons why Chihuahuas make a great pet!
With their small heads, big eyes and perky ears, Chihuahuas are one of the most recognizable dog breeds. Here are 10 reasons why you should consider a Chihuahua:
1. Chihuahuas Stay Small
For small dog lovers, chihuahuas are a dream. They typically weigh between two and six pounds and grow to be seven to nine inches in height. While different breed mixes might be a little larger or smaller, chihuahua parents enjoy all of the perks of having a fun-sized pet.
2. Chihuahuas Have Long Lifespans
While small dogs tend to live longer than larger dog breeds anyway, chihuahuas enjoy particularly long life spans averaging 13 – 15 years.
3. Chihuahuas are Loyal
Chihuahuas are known for many things and being loyal to their pet parents is one of them. Chihuahuas enjoy spending quality time with you whether it’s sitting on your lap during your leisure time or taking a ride around town with you.
4. Chihuahuas Have Fun, Playful Personalities
Though chihuahuas are loyal and affectionate with their owners, they are anything but dull and love to play! However, no two chihuahuas are the same, so if you have a friend with a chihuahua, your pet is likely to be quite different and unique.
5. Chihuahuas are Smart & Easy to Train
Most dog breeds are bright, but some are brighter and easier to train than others. Chihuahuas in particular are a bright breed and are, in turn, easy to train for obedience.
6. Chihuahuas Generally Don’t Mind Playing Along
One thing pet parents love doing is dressing their fur babies up for special occasions or just to keep them warm and cozy. Being the loving, loyal and easy to train pets that they are, chihuahuas have no problem wearing clothes whether it’s a cozy sweater and paw-protectant booties or a Batman costume for Halloween.
7. Chihuahuas are Great Guard Dogs
Because they are loyal and animated, chihuahuas make great guard dogs. They are a vocal breed, and are wary of outsiders, so if someone approaches your home or aims to intrude, your chihuahua is going to make sure everyone knows about it.
8. Chihuahuas are Affordable to Feed
Because of their small size, it logically follows that chihuahuas are easy and are affordable to feed as they do not eat a lot.
9. Chihuahuas are Easy to Care For
Not only are chihuahuas easy to feed, but they are also easy to bathe and to groom. They only need about 20–minutes of exercise per day, which they can easily get inside of the house or on a walk around the block on a lead.
10. Chihuahuas Come in Many Breeds and Breed Mixes
Finally, the chihuahua breed has a lot of diversity. There are seven different chihuahua breeds, and there are multiple chihuahua breed mixes. Chihuahuas physical characteristics tend to prevail in breed mixes and mixed-breed pets often enjoy the genetic perks (such as increased health) associated with whatever breed they are mixed with.
If you’re looking for a pet that’s easy to love and to live with, chihuahuas and chihuahua mixes are your best bet! Not only are they loyal and fun, but they are also affordable and low-maintenance. When you feed them a food made with natural ingredients like the Small Breed recipes at Wellness Pet Food, you help keep them healthy, which cuts back on vet visits and keeps them alive longer.
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