6 Proven Breed Stereotypes from a Professed Siamese Cat Fanatic

Maria is a graphic designer at WellPet. When she isn’t working and cuddling with her Siamese Mogwaii, you can most likely find her at a concert or local Pure Barre studio.
1. They’re one of the oldest and most recognizable cat breeds.
Breed variations include Blue, Chocolate and Lilac Siamese cats. Mogwaii is a Lilac Point Siamese. The gene that causes the pointed color pattern is all responsible for the blue color of the eyes that is one of the characteristics that makes Siamese different than other breeds.

Look at those lovely lilac ears!
2. They love to talk!
Known as total chatterboxes (for good reason), Siamese cats are known to strike up conversations over just about anything! In fact, their long, drawn-out meows sometimes sound like a human baby’s cry. Here, Mogwaii’s letting me know that he wasn’t pleased about his recent trip to the veterinarian:
3. They’re needy.
Well isn’t this the truth! Mogwaii gets pretty creative in telling me that I’m ignoring him by knocking all my stuff down and unplugging my laptop:
4. They’re affectionate, friendly, loyal and bold.
From sleeping in bed with me each night, to snuggling on the couch at the end of a long day, there’s never a time I’m home when Mogwaii isn’t right by my side.
5. They crave companionship.
True to what the professionals say, I’ve experienced that Siamese cats form extremely close bonds with their primary caretaker–in this case, me! Mogwaii will follow me from room to room and needs to be involved in anything and everything I’m doing.

Mogwaii is assisting and keeping me company while I work.
6. They’re smarty-pants.
Siamese cats are known for their intelligence; they are highly trainable. Their behavior is described as being more dog-like than cat-like. Unfortunately, Siamese cats are prone to asthma and bronchial illnesses. True to his breed, Mogwaii has been diagnosed with asthma. We treat his asthma using an inhaler with a special attachment for kitties. Since he’s so smart, we’re able to train him to sit for his inhaler which we follow up with Wellness Kittles–his favorite treat!
Although every cat is different in personality, we couldn’t help but highlight some of the quirky “cat-eristics” that make Siamese cats so special! Happy National Siamese Cat Day!